Arbitration Services

deciding disputes before they go to court

Arbitration Information

What is an arbitration?

An arbitration is different than a mediation. In an arbitration, the parties agree that the arbiter is the sole, final decision maker. The arbiter, an experienced attorney, takes testimony and evidence and decides the dispute. The proceeding resembles the elements of a court trial, except that it is much less expensive, and can be scheduled without delay.

The advantage to arbitration is the form of dispute resolution, with expedicious, less expensive decisions on small and large conflicts. Notably, many contracts contain mandatory arbitration provisions, recognizing the significant advantage to arbitration over a lengthy, expensive jury trial.


What issues can be arbitrated?

Any issues can be arbitrated. There is no restriction on the arbiter's ability to decide any issue in dispute, so long as the parties have agreed to submit the determination to arbitration.


Ask Us Your Arbitration Question

Do you need an arbiter? Tell us about your problem and let us tell you how we can help:

Arrange to meet with our professional arbitrator

If you have a question, feel free to call us at (800) 688-5640 or email